Welcome to Burn Studio

A boutique fitness studio in New Albany, Mississippi
Pilates | Spin | Yoga

We are not a gym! We are a place where everyone can come together to build community and feel comfortable in their own skin. We work towards the same goals together: getting a great workout, having fun, and pushing ourselves to be our own personal best. No matter your fitness level, you can achieve these goals. Is cardio your jam? We got you. Strength and muscle tone more your thing? You’re in the right spot. Low impact options? Absolutely! There’s something for everyone and we can guarantee you will feel that Burn!


Meet the Burn Team

Kaitlyn Yates, Burn Studio Owner and Instructor

  • Owner, Pilates Instructor

    My name is Kaitlyn Yates. My husband Caleb and I are both from New Albany and have lived here all our lives. We have three children - Mason (12), Isla (9), and Eli (4). I have been teaching Pilates since 2020, but Pilates has been my passion for much longer than that! I am an ACE-certified group fitness instructor and BarreBody certified Reformer Pilates instructor. I am passionate about helping others reach their fitness goals. There truly is no other workout out there like Pilates. I fell in love with the burn almost immediately. Whether you are on the reformer or the mat, our workouts will tone, sculpt, and of course Burn like nothing else! I want to change the way you feel about exercise and make it something you look forward to instead of something you dread. The ability to move is a gift - let’s put it to good use!

Kate Conwill, Burn Studio Owner and Instructor

  • Owner, Spin Instructor

    My name is Kate Conwill and I grew up in Mendenhall, MS. I moved to New Albany three years ago when I married my husband Joe who is a New Albany native. We have two boys ages 11 and 12. I am an AAAI Certified Spin Instructor and I love what I do! I have a true passion for indoor cycling. I found cycling about 4 years ago and fell in love! It is such a fun way to exercise without the aches and pains! My class is a rhythm ride, which means we ride to the beat of the music. It is a very cardio-forward and upbeat class with lots of jumps, sprints, hills, and fun choreography. I love to push my riders, but every ride is your ride at Burn Studio! My class is a safe place to come and sweat it out while moving to the music. You will leave feeling on top of the world and ready to book your next class. Come meet me in the saddle!

Meagan Childs, Burn Studio Instructor

  • Pilates Instructor

    My name is Meagan Childs. My husband, Brad, and I have 3 children, and we call New Albany home. I began attending Kaitlyn’s Mat Pilates class going into the third trimester of my third pregnancy. I had been active most of my pregnancy prior to attending the class, but I wanted something different. Kaitlyn showed me the modified movements when needed so that it was safe for me during pregnancy. I had a successful delivery to a healthy baby boy with no complications and I know Pilates took a part in that. Once it was safe for me to begin working out again, I reached out to Kaitlyn because I knew I was going to need help rebuilding my strength so I could be healthy for my three kids at home. I enjoy Burn because I need that time for myself as a stay-at-home mom. I need the accountability, the motivation and encouragement of others around me, and the intensity of the class. I do this for myself so that I can feel better mentally and physically each day, and so that I can be the best version of myself for my family.

  • Pilates Instructor

    My name is Jordan Murry. My husband Ryan and I are both New Albany natives. We have two children - Mary Eason (6) and Will (2). I have been involved in athletics all my life and had the opportunity to play soccer and cheer at the collegiate level for four years. Physical activity is so important and has such a positive impact on your body and mind. I was hesitant to try Pilates initially because I was concerned that it might not provide the same challenging stimulus as weight lifting or running. I was hooked after the first class! Pilates is a full body workout that has improved my strength, flexibility, and mental stamina.

  • Spin Instructor

    My name is Malanda Sharp and I grew up in Pontotoc, MS. I moved to Myrtle about a year ago when I married my husband Josh. We have 1 little girl named Avery who is 3 years old. I tried spin a few years ago at a place in tupelo but didn't really fall in love with it until I started taking classes at Burn in October 2022. I love how much cycling pushes me to be my best self, mentally and physically. I also love that spin is a workout for all fitness levels. Come join me and add a little spice to your boring workout routines!

  • My name is Katie Trout. My husband Troy and I are both New Albany natives. We have three children- Lela, Eva and Tate. I have been involved in athletics all my life. I played soccer, basketball and cheered throughout high school. I also had the opportunity to continue cheer at the junior college level. I attended my first spin class at Burn and was instantly hooked. After a major knee surgery and other injuries, I have struggled to find high cardio work out options that did not cause pain. I was amazed when I left spin with zero pain in my knees. I believe fitness can be anything you want it to be and that it does not need to be something you feel pressured to do, but rather something you want to do. I love music, all forms, and try to build classes that people look forward to showing up to. As an instructor, it’s important to me that you have an entertaining and challenging class. You will learn fun choreography while riding to the beat and I promise the group energy is contagious. Come dance on a bike with me!

  • Spin Instructor

    Hi! My name is Courtney. I call Oxford home, but love my spin crew at Burn Studio in New Albany. I’ve been spinning for the better part of 8 years—first as a client, then as an instructor since 2018. When I’m not spinning, I’m working my “day job” as an attorney, or cheering on the Rebels with my husband, Kevin.

    I was never a very big “fitness” gal, but spin forever changed all of that. There’s nothing like riding together in a dark room to the sound of pulsing music. In my class, we ride to the beat and have a party on the bike! You’ll learn fun choreography, jumps, and pushes, all while riding as a group and feeding off that collective energy. I like to foster a welcoming environment where you will have fun, but also feel empowered to challenge yourself. I can’t wait for you to ride with our crew!

  • Spin Instructor

    My name is Stacey Loden and I am from Tupelo, MS. I married my childhood sweetheart, Justin, and we have one child - Charlie. I took my first spin class in 2014 and I was HOOKED! Cycling is an amazing workout, a stress reliever, and a place to forget everything going on outside the room and just ride. Even on the roughest day, you can clip in and leave it all on the bike. The playlists help me stay motivated and get those endorphins flowing! The energy and positivity in the room is contagious. If you want to try spin but are hesitant, I promise you are stronger and faster than you think you are!

  • Pilates Instructor

    My name is Katie Rowan, and I am from Blue Springs. I fell in love with dance at the age of 4, and later transitioned to sports through high school and on into college. Through many different outlets of physical exercise, I learned the value of maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle.

    After graduating Ole Miss, I started my career as an Account Executive in Tupelo. Trying to juggle my job and my time, I became inconsistent with working out. “Going to the gym” was no longer something that I looked forward to. That all changed after my first workout at Burn. The classes not only gave me the combination of cardio and strength training to give me the results I was looking for, but it also led me to a community that shared my same passion for fitness. After every class, I leave feeling refreshed and challenged, and that is why I am so excited to be a part of Burn Studio. I simply love pilates, and my hope is that everyone will find joy through my classes, just as I have.

  • Pilates Instructor

    My name is Katherine Hardin. Born and raised here in New Albany, I lived with my husband and four kids in Starkville for 13 years before moving back in 2021. We love the slower pace of life in New Albany, but I was gym-less here for the first time when I tried Pilates in 2023…and I fell in love right away. After having hip replacement surgery in my twenties, I try to stick to low impact methods of exercise, and Pilates fits the bill perfectly; not to mention, it’s excellent for regaining that core stability that suffers after pregnancy! Ten years of dance lessons and another ten or so of also choreographing musicals have also made me appreciate the incorporation of every part of the body into a workout routine. I never know where I will feel the “burn” after a Pilates class!

Kaitlyn’s Story

The dream that became Burn Studio has been many years in the making for me. As a working mother of three, I never had much free time to plan, dream, or even think about what I was truly passionate about or what I really wanted to accomplish in my professional career. I knew that my chosen career path was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and as a result, I felt like I was in a rut both professionally and in my own personal day-to-day life. I never was someone who loved to exercise. I would drag myself to the gym from time to time and make myself get on the treadmill, but it was just so boring! After having my second child in 2015 I started to pay more attention to my physical fitness and overall health. I tried several different types of workouts before I finally found Pilates, and it didn’t take long for me to realize I had found something I enjoyed and that actually worked for me. I began to see my body change in more ways than just weight loss. I felt stronger, more energized, and more confident - I was hooked! I loved it so much that I began to test my own limits and challenge myself like never before, and over time it became a passion. Working out was my "me time," my stress relief, and something I truly enjoyed. When the world turned upside down in the spring of 2020 and we were forced to press the pause button on our lives, the idea that maybe one day I could teach a class of my own was pushed to the forefront of my mind. Without the daily hustle and bustle, I was able to research what it would take to make my "someday" dream a reality. I became certified as a group fitness instructor and when the world opened up again I began looking for a place to teach. This ended up being the best decision I have ever made. Even though the only suitable space available to me was a children’s birthday party venue/gymnastics gym, I still had a dedicated group that would show up every morning before the sun came up for over two years to sweat it out with me and feel that burn! I have had the opportunity to get to know so many amazing women and many of them have become close friends of mine. It was through my classes that I ended up meeting Kate, who is a fitness instructor herself. Kate and I hit it off immediately, and after I attended one of her spin classes for the first time I knew it was fate. I had found a kindred spirit in her and it was apparent to me that she was just as passionate about what she does as I am. I knew if we put our heads together we could really create something amazing - and so Burn Studio was born!

Kate’s Story

Burn Studio is definitely a dream come true for me! I have spent my entire life playing competitive sports. I went on after high school to play College basketball for 4 years. Being a part of a team has been a huge part of my life. Sports have always been who I am. When I graduated college, my world changed drastically. I had to adapt to the 8 to 5 workday, and that did not include any practices or games. There was a small time after college I stopped exercising altogether. I felt a little burned out after pushing myself so hard for so long. I took several years off from the fitness world. As I got older, I felt like something was missing from my life. I knew exercise was key to my overall health and well-being so I slowly and hesitantly tried to get back in shape. I figured out quickly that exercising is much different without a coach or a team. I tried running, weights, and even some group fitness classes. I had previously had knee surgery from playing college basketball, and some things were just harder on my joints than others. That’s when I found indoor cycling and I fell in love. I still remember my first spin class like it was yesterday. The experience was unforgettable. I knew I had found something that I could be great at again, and that was such an empowering feeling. It was extreme cardio without the aches and pains. I never knew I enjoyed cardio so much until finding a spin class. I was hooked! I never missed class and went almost every day. It did not take long before I was a seasoned cyclist, then an instructor. I am still learning and evolving as an instructor, but seeing the changes I can make in other people’s health and life is so inspiring. It’s not just the cardio and number of calories you burn that I loved so much; it was the family and experience. Indoor cycling is a fun way to exercise and find self-worth. I have never felt more immersed in a community of riders/athletes until spin. This is what I want to show others by creating a community at Burn Studio. Shortly after I had found my workout calling in the spin studio, I moved to New Albany, MS. The studio I went to was a distance away, and I still continued to travel there to teach classes. I was eager to find a community of people that also enjoyed moving, and that is when a mutual friend told me about Kaitlyn’s class. Choosing to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and go to a Pilates class here in New Albany, MS was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I met Kaitlyn, loved her class, and I felt the burn! It was great to find other ladies that also loved to workout and were also dedicated enough to get up and get moving. I continued to go to Kaitlyn’s class any chance that I could. After Kaitlyn tried one of my spin classes, the wheels began turning. We knew that we could have something great together. Kaitlyn had a vision already in place and felt spin was the perfect addition. We have built a great friendship, joined forces, and now we have Burn Studio!